Kukerin Primary School (5261)

School Overview

Kukerin Primary School is at the heart of the local community, located in the southern Wheatbelt. We have a strong history where our school and the community work together in a supporting and caring environment to provide your child with the skills and confidence to reach their full potential in academic, social and sporting endeavours.

Our experienced and caring staff are dedicated to providing enriched targeted learning programs for students. The multi-age classes offer a range of programs and opportunities that enhance student learning. Kukerin's motto 'Small but Strong' is mirrored in all its activities and programs offered.

Kukerin Primary School enjoys tremendous support from the community; has an active Parent and Citizen's Association and a supportive School Council. The school staff and community have formed a collaborative partnership to ensure a positive learning environment and the best outcomes possible for your child.

For more information:
T: 9864 3500
E: kukerin.ps@education.wa.edu.au