Kondinin Primary School (5252)
School Overview
Kondinin Primary School is a small, inspiring and community minded school with a diverse student population, and our school services the families that live within the town and on surrounding farms. At Kondinin Primary School we focus on using our strengths to drive student learning. As a school and community our strengths centre on our small and very tightly knit community - where everyone looks out for each other, which is underpinned by strong diversity. As a small school we are intricately intertwined and connected to our community.
Kondinin is a proud town located in the Wheatbelt, approximately 3 hours' drive east of Perth, with a population of around 300. The community enjoys fantastic facilities, including a newly built swimming pool, sports club and community garden that are next to the school. Kondinin serves as a hub for hospital services, engineering for the agricultural sector, aged care and is the base for Western Power workers for the district. The town is very family friendly with many outdoor play areas for children, and a proactive Community Resource Centre, who often puts on events and after school workshops for kids.
The Shire of Kondinin, which also encompasses the townships of Karlgarin and Hyden, is based in town and is very supportive of the school. As a Wheatbelt town, many of the activities revolve around the local farms and the seasons. Kondinin is fortunate to have respected Aboriginal Elders and has a strong local Aboriginal population. We have strong community support including local businesses.
Kondinin Primary School teaching staff consists of the Principal, two full-time teachers and one part-time teacher. Physical Education, Art, Music, Japanese, Digital Technologies and Library programs are just some of the learning opportunities that are provided by our classroom and specialist teachers. Students are well supported by staff and are encouraged to participate in interschool, state and national programs across the curriculum. We aim to give every child many and varied opportunities in their learning, and each student is provided with their own laptop for use at school.
Kondinin Primary School has a whole school Explicit Teaching approach, as well as an Intentional Play-Based Learning focus on the Early Years. The school is very well resourced, and we have an established WALT (We Are Learning To) and WILF (What I'm Looking For) visible learning lesson framework that provides a gradual release of responsibility structure for our students.
The teachers are committed to improving the social and emotional outcomes for students as well as improving learning outcomes. The school has a clear, well understood behaviour management and attendance policy, and reward for students to acknowledge their achievements in academic and non-academic fields of endeavour. We have developed our own program based on our CARES Values (Courage, Attitude, Respect, Excellence and Service) to focus on our social-emotional learning.
The Kindergarten/Pre-primary building is situated within the school grounds, and we also have a separate art/technology room with a kitchen for cooking and Breakfast Club. All classrooms contain a Smart TV or interactive whiteboard. The school has its own surfaced basketball courts, an oval and pleasant shady area. The town oval and tennis courts are within five minutes' walk from the school and are readily available for school use.
Kondinin Primary School enjoys the support of the Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association. Over the years the P&C have supported the school by providing funds for resources and projects. The P&C has been responsible for maintaining a well-resourced library as well as the provision of a variety of other resources. We also have an Early Years Program located onsite that is made possible through the ongoing partnership of the Kondinin Resource Centre, the Shire of Kondinin and Kondinin Primary School. The Early Years Program is open to all pre-school aged children within the district to meet and play with other local children. It is run by a qualified teacher, and provides the opportunity for parents to meet, and for the children to gain some important skills in preparation for their first years of formal education.
Our positive and engaged students, committed and involved teachers, dedicated and hard-working non-teaching staff and a supportive community that values education, make Kondinin Primary School the school of choice in this area.
T: 9894 0200 E: Kondinin.PS@education.wa.edu.au