Hollywood School successfully blends the original heritage block (built in 1935) with extensions (completed 1995) and additions through the BER program (completed in 2010). Two new transportable general classrooms replaced dilapidated demountables in 2013. Traditional classrooms cater for our Year Two through Six students and are air-conditioned, with high ceilings that overlook wide, wooden verandahs. The Early Education Centre was refurbished during 2014 and caters for our Kindergarten and Pre-Primary classes. An Art/Science/Music block allows for a dedicated Science and Music programs to be conducted across the school. The computer laboratory is situated in the air conditioned, recently refreshed, purpose built library, featuring an updated learning area incorporating an interactive white board to support learning and teaching. All classrooms have Interactive White Boards, due to significant donations from the P&C, and adequate IT is available through desktop, laptop and iPad devices.
Hollywood Primary School's grounds are well maintained, and are shaded by three heritage Morton Bay fig trees. Our front garden is extremely attractive, including sculpted low hedges, well-maintained roses and a superb fountain centrepiece. This view complements our school heritage facade, and is a delight for visitors, passers-by and local wildlife. The student-based Sustainability Team, continue to maintain Graeme's Garden. A Nature Strip to link the Hollywood Bushland to Kings Park is prioritised in school planting and includes considered plant selection.
The playgrounds and sporting facilities are expansive, and include a 25-metre swimming pool, which is a shared school and community resource. Our school oval is fully refurbished, with a new bore automatically reticulating the whole school grounds. Our students access Highview Park to create additional play space during recess and lunch, and to facilitate our Physical Education program, through the good relationships our community holds with the City of Nedlands and the Subs/Lions Hockey Club.
Our school caters for approximately 350 students, from Kindergarten to Year 6. We receive frequent applications for enrolment from out of boundary suburbs, due to the quality education program we are providing, our attitude of reflection leading to improvement and the care our staff take to treat each child as an individual.
Hollywood School is an active member of the Shenton Learning Community Network that brings together fourteen (State and Independent) public schools in the local area who work together to improve the educational outcomes for our combined students.
Over twenty nationalities are represented within our school population, a positive testament to the community attitude and active acceptance of cultural diversity. Staff and parents take an inclusive, sensitive and empathetic approach to assisting all families in our school to feel welcome, make connections and experience social, academic, creative and sporting success. The cultural diversity among students is recognised and celebrated by teachers to provide an enriched and inclusive curriculum. French is the Language Other Than English offered to students from years one to seven.
At Hollywood Primary School, we as a community are concerned with the development of the whole child. Effective policies and programs provide clear expectations of standards of behaviour in a supportive and caring learning environment. Close school/ family/ student links are established, nurtured and maintained, ensuring an evidence-based, individually tailored educational partnership built on honesty, openness and a shared desire to do the best educationally for the child.
After and before school care for Hollywood students is offered by several community organisations. Other out-of-school hours programs include art and drama lessons, the community band and a range of sporting activities. Our facilities are used by many educational, parent and community bodies after school hours, continuing to strengthen our links with the wider community and to effectively use this community resource.
We cater for a wide range of student abilities and interests. Students with learning difficulties are supported through Individual Education Plans, as well as whole school programs. Years four to six students are encouraged to join the school choir and or band. Years five to six students identified as gifted and or talented are offered courses through the Department of Education and Training's Primary Extension Program (PEAC). The school hosts a PEAC band course for musically talented students from across the district. Years Six students can access the School of Instrumental Music for in-school flute, clarinet and guitar lessons.
The school staff possess a wealth of expertise in general primary education. Two teachers currently hold Level Three status, with a vibrant group currently embracing the opportunity to follow the process to becoming recognised as an exemplary practitioner. Or teachers accept the responsibility of mentoring pre-service teachers and graduates. We develop and actively maintain strong partnerships with the University of Western Australia and Curtin University. Each teacher undertakes a curriculum leadership role. The professionalism of the team is enhanced through a collaborative style of leadership underpinned with deep reflective practice. Our school strives for constant improvement, employing the action learning approach of plan, act, assess then replan.
The School Board is made up of representatives from the parent body, a community representative and staff. The Board informs the direction of the School, based on our parent views, vision, and aspirations for their children, oversees Policy development and assists with governance of the school. The Parents and Citizens' Association is a strong, well-organised, high profile parent body who sees the advancement of the school as a key priority.