Greenmount Primary School (5196)
School Overview
Since 2015, Greenmount Primary has been an Independent Public School. Located on the historical site of Blackboy Hill, 20km east of the CBD, Greenmount Primary School has an excellent reputation for being a friendly, caring community with a focus on nurturing all students throughout their primary school years.
All students are taught to be kind with their words and actions, include everyone in their games and activities and keep the school safe and orderly. Teachers support and encourage the development of positive behaviours, explicitly teaching key social and resiliency skills. Students learn to make appropriate choices about behaviour and positive choices are acknowledged through a tiered system of awards which are presented at our assemblies.
Staff work together to engage 370 Kindergarten to Year 6 students in a varied, targeted academic program. Through collaborative planning, regular monitoring of student progress and providing additional support when required our teachers and education assistants are motivated to provide every child with the opportunity to do their very best. Engaging classroom programs are also supported by programs in Visual Art, Physical Education, Japanese and Music which are taught by specialist teachers.
We are fortunate to have an active School Board and P&C association who make a significant contribution to a collaborative organisation which is dedicated to meeting the academic and social needs of all students.
At Greenmount Primary we aim to provide students with an inclusive, caring, safe and cooperative learning environment. Our teaching and learning programs are based on our underlying beliefs that students learn best when: *they have a caring and safe environment where their efforts and contributions are valued and they feel supported *they are set high expectations and appropriate goals and provided with regular, ongoing, informative feedback *their individual, social, physical, emotional and learning needs are met *their learning is integrated, purposeful and connected to real life situations *students, home and school have a commonly understood purpose and work together.