Greenbushes Primary School (5195)
School Overview
Every Greenbushes Primary School student from Kindergarten to Year 6 has staff dedicated to provide opportunities for students to achieve academic success, through an holistic approach and working in partnership with the school community. This is part of the Learning for Life moral purpose of our school.
Our picturesque, small rural school has a tight-knit and supportive local community who help us to provide quality learning experiences. Students enjoy small class sizes with passionate, experienced and engaged teachers and staff. Our students build close, life-long friendships that encourage academic, social, emotional and physical growth.
Our children connect to the real world during their schooling. We enjoy strong links and partnerships with several community organisations and local mining industries, through which many of our families are employed. Students have exciting opportunities for community involvement and exposure to STEM in authentic contexts (such as the Chamber of Minerals and Energy Digital Technologies Challenges, and VEX IQ Robotics), enriched by the support of our local industries and community groups.
The support of local mining industries has enabled us to recently complete the 3 year Fogarty EDvance School Improvement Program in 2022. We have embarked on a new strategic plan for 2023-2025 and are sustaining links with the Fogarty organisation, continually working together to improve our instructional, pastoral and collaborative practices.
Our school regularly participates in inter-school events in both sporting pursuits (such as the Cricket Blast, Lightning Carnival, Minkey and Cross Country events) and academic challenges (Spellademic, Mathademic, Speak Up and our Science Fair). Community events are also regularly scheduled on our school calendar, with our students proudly involved in activities such as ANZAC Day, Harmony Day, The Greenbushes Pink Fun Run, Bridgetown-Greenbushes Art Trail, and the National Tree Planting Day.
Our staff and students know and support one another - that's the Greenbushes way. Pastoral care is a key element, where we are proactive in supporting every child. New students begin connecting to our school community from the moment new families arrive. Everyone, from the Principal to our officer at the front desk, takes this responsibility seriously by building relationships with children and their parents. Initiatives such as our breakfast club and chaplaincy program support the emotional growth and well-being of our students.
An active P&C Association and School Council supports students through fundraising initiatives and collaboration with the school community. We work closely with these groups so that their support enriches the facilities and education experiences available at Greenbushes Primary School.
Students can apply for transport access to and from school through School Bus Services.
Get in touch with us for a chat or to come in for a school tour. We'll be happy to show you how your child can thrive at Greenbushes Primary School. T: 08 9782 5950 E: Greenbushes.PS@education.wa.edu.au Website: https://www.greenbushesprimaryschool.wa.edu.au