Gosnells Primary School (5192)

School Overview

Gosnells Primary School is a progressive and proactive Independent Public School catering for students from Kindergarten to Year 6.

Our students are provided with opportunities across all learning areas, including specialist instruction in the areas of Physical Education, Science, Performing Arts, Noongar (cultural Studies), and Digital Technologies. Talented students have additional opportunities to participate in the Primary Extension and Challenge and School of Instrumental Music programs in Years 5 & 6.

The school is known for being highly supportive with proactive and caring leadership, dedicated and collaborative staff and a family friendly culture focused on student success and wellbeing. The school pedagogical pillars of purpose, relationships and engagement underpin its improvement agenda as it actively works to promote excellence in teaching and learning.

We foster a school culture based on the understanding that positive behaviours need to be taught and supported. Our clear behaviour expectations 'Be Safe', 'Be Responsible', 'Be Respectful' and 'Be Better' provide a positive learning environment that assists students to achieve improved academic and behaviour outcomes as a result of increased engagement with learning.

Gosnells Primary School is home to the first West Australian Primary School to provide a Mainstream Specialist Learning Program for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and has introduced innovative student intervention initiatives through the support of both a dedicated Learning Support and English as An Additional Language Co-ordinator.

Developing Social and Emotional Well Being is a priority at our school, as such we have also invested heavily in providing pastoral care to all students and their families through our School Chaplain, School Based Support Worker, and Aboriginal and Islander Education Officer who assist in overseeing initiatives such as our Breakfast Program, Protective Behaviours and the 'Zones of Regulation' curriculum fostering self-regulation and emotional control in students.

We have strong links with our parent community through our Parents & Citizens Association and School Board, both of which play active and important roles in our school.

Our history is rich having opened our doors for the first time on September 4, 1905 and being in continuous operation through until today. Much of this history is proudly displayed in the corridors of the main school building.

We welcome your contact with us if you have any enquiries relating to our school and enrolment with us. Our website with additional information can be found at http://gosnellsps.wa.edu.au/