Kapinara Primary School (5182)

School Overview

At Kapinara Primary School, our purpose is to ensure all students develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to achieve their individual potential and contribute positively to society.

The development of personal skills is reflected in the school motto - Kindness, Consideration and Services for Others. We strive to develop resilient children who treat themselves and others with respect, love learning, behave with integrity and think critically and creatively.

While fostering high standards of student achievement, Kapinara Primary School also provides a broad range of cross curricula programs for our Kindergarten to Year 6 students. We place a strong emphasis on the positive health and wellbeing of students, staff and the broader community.

We are proud to provide inspirational teaching and learning opportunities in visual arts, music, physical education and Japanese. These are complemented by optional programs including Swimming Club and Running Club

We are incredibly fortunate to have the support of a highly dedicated P&C and an effective, collaborative School Board.

Discover more about Kapinara Primary School:
T: 9385 9022
E: Kapinara.PS@education.wa.edu.au