Forrestfield Primary School (5174)
School Overview
Forrestfield Primary School has expectations around being Proud, United and Good, and we challenge our students, staff and community to be Advocates, Involved and Excellent. Our core values are underpinned by our motto of 'harmony nurtures excellence'. We are committed to constantly question how we can improve as a school by reflecting on our achievements and considering how we can be 'even better if...'
We commit to providing every student their own pathway to a successful future. We work as a school community to know our students and to work together to ensure every child has their needs met. As a school we actively promote student success and encourage excellence. We recognise that schools have an ever increasing role on developing the whole child. At Forrestfield Primary School we value the development of our students as global citizens.
At Forrestfield Primary School we commit to working together as a community to maximise wellbeing for all. We have a collective commitment to develop whole school strategies with our families and partners. We work together to ensure inclusivity and ensure we support and respect the cultural background of our students from over 30 different countries. We are constantly challenging ourselves to develop ways we can continue to engage your community and ensure we are a school where everyone feel welcome.
The foundation of our school is our high performing staff who are committed to delivering high quality teaching and learning. They work with students to constantly support and challenge their understanding and embrace consistent embedded classroom practices to ensure student success. They are reflective, collaborative and supportive. They work together to reflect on their professional practice with a commitment to excellence. Discover more about Forrestfield Primary School:
T: 9483 2083 E: forrestfield.ps@education.wa.edu.au