Cranbrook Primary School (5126)
School Overview
Cranbrook Primary School is situated in the rural town of Cranbrook, in the Great Southern region of Western Australia. The school was opened in 1893 and officially become an Independent Public School in 2018.
Cranbrook is located three hours drive south of Armadale, and one hour north of Albany. The major industry in the area is agriculture, including cropping, sheep, cattle and pigs.
The school is a vibrant place, with a warm and caring school community. A major focus is placed on positive relationships, the development of positive values, and the wellbeing of all members.
The school currently caters for approximately 60 children from Kindergarten to Year 6 across three multi-age classes. There is a strong focus on numeracy and literacy. We also have a very strong focus on sustainability, with our school having a Kitchen Garden Program that is valued by the students, staff and community. The school has won a variety of awards for its sustainability approach. Students in Years 2-6 cook each week and share together in meals.
Indonesian is taught as a second language. A range of physical education programs are offered, including bike riding, dance, skateboarding and Natureplay. The school liaises closely with outside agencies to support the needs of the students, including external speech and occupational therapists that come to the school one day each fortnight. We also provide many opportunities for students to develop artistically, including visual art, music, dance and drama.
There is a positive interaction with other schools in our district for various sports carnivals, camps and tabloid days. These schools include Frankland River, Kendenup and Tambellup Primary Schools, and St. Bernard's Catholic School (Kojonup).
We pride ourselves on the committed pastoral care we provide for all students. The school has strong links with families, community organisations, such as Shire, churches, Gillamii Landcare Centre and WA Police and support agencies such as WA Country Health Service, and these links provide further resources to assist us in meeting the needs of our students.
Students have the opportunity to participate in programs such as PEAC (Primary Extension and Challenge); Speech and Drama Festivals; annual Year 6 Dryandra (WA flora and fauna focus) camp, and annual Year 5/6 Camp with students from Tambellup PS; beach camp and forest camp alternate years.
The school has exquisite gardens that are a feature not only of the school but also the community. The school buildings are reverse-cycle air-conditioned. There is a very large undercover playground and also an extensive Naturescape play area.
The school community is engaged and proactive. The School Board is committed, skilled and proactive. The Parents and Citizens Association is a positive force in the school community, and has provided extensive extra funding for the school.