Coorow Primary School (5120)
School Overview
Together with our families, we are taking up the challenge of providing an engaging, safe and outcomes focused learning environment where each individual is valued.
Our school plays an important role in maintaining social connections for our Kindergarten to Year 6 students, their families, staff and the wider community of Coorow located 265km north of Perth.
Our students enjoy a broad range of curriculum given our small enrolment and location. Students participate in weekly French, art, sport, health, science, history and geography, and library lessons. Our school also boasts an excellent range of ICT resources.
National testing at Year 3 and 5 show the majority of students are achieving above national minimum standards and 'like schools' in reading, writing, numeracy, language conventions and spelling. For students at educational risk, we provide up to 100 minutes per week of individualised intervention.
We access additional expertise in the arts, physical education and technology through incursions and excursions. Students also have the opportunity to participate in excursions and overnight camps with students from other schools as well as attend a bi-annual school camp to a number of destinations in Western Australia. All activities have a strong link to curriculum outcomes.
We consciously direct resources into early intervention and high quality Early Childhood Education. We pride ourselves on our purpose-built early childhood facilities and our ability to implement the Early Years Learning Framework in a well-maintained, welcoming environment.
Families are invited to begin their relationship with the school community by participating in our 3 Ups Kindy Readiness program. We aim to effectively form positive partnerships with families for the continuation of their child's learning journey.
We join a network of schools to participate in professional development, sport, curriculum-based projects, PEAC and leadership networking. This activity enables us to work in collaboration with neighbouring professionals to overcome issues relating to professional isolation, geography, small cohorts and resource sharing.
Our students are encouraged to set personal goals in their learning and behaviour. They are supported to reflect on their progress towards these goals. Our staff firmly believe all decisions should be made solely to improve student outcomes. They know their students well and always aim to develop classroom programs that reflect quality differentiated teaching practices.
Families are an important part of our school community and we actively seek their feedback and input into their child's education. Many Coorow families participate in the School Board, P&C and parent helper initiatives. We believe that children have better outcomes when families are informed and part of the journey.
To remain successful Coorow Primary School will be required to be responsive to external changes and act always to meet the learning needs of Coorow children and their families. Coorow Primary School Our school leadership will continue to nurture and develop strong relationships between home and school. We will also engage the support of the School Board, cultivate a positive partnership with the P&C and link with neighbouring schools both professionally and socially.
Find out more about our school: T: 9952 1043 E: Coorow.PS@education.wa.edu.au