Capel Primary School (5086)

School Overview

Capel Primary School is located in a quiet, picturesque semi rural setting bordered by the Capel River to the east and farmland to the south. The spacious school grounds and lush playing fields are enhanced by red gum and peppermint trees and an area of remnant bush in the north-west corner.

The hundred year history of the school (1898) is reflected in an aesthetically pleasing blend of old and recent buildings, providing excellent facilities for students and staff. The 'old Stratham' School building located in the grounds is held in great pride by the community and provides a strong link to the past. Funding through the Commonwealh Government Building the Education Revolution program has provided 4 modern classrooms to replace the 1920's classrooms, an Art/Science and Music specialist facility and resources that complement existing facilities and ensure students at Capel PS continue to receive the best educational opportunities in a modern learning environment.

Students enrol at Capel School because of its emphasis on educational excellence, warm friendly tone, value placed on good citizenship, commitment to school, pleasant surroundings and the variety of programs on offer.

Traditionally Capel was a small rural school servicing the town and farming community. Mineral sands mining in the sixties brought changes to the district with an increased student population. Numbers have further increased since viticulture, coastal development, rural subdivisions and expansion of the south west has occurred. Students from a variety of socio economic backgrounds attend the school with high attendance levels and a strong community commitment clearly evident.

Capel PS commenced a new era of education through its selection during 2010 as an Independent Public School. With commencement as an IPS during 2011 the school was able to select staff to implement a collaborative teaching & learning program and introduce Kagan Co-operative learning strategies. The flexibilities of being an IPS have allowed for additional innovative programs to be implemented on an identified needs basis. This has included the employment of a Speech Therapist to work with students and staff across the junior primary as an early intervention strategy. It has also included an increase in time for non-teaching staff to provide expertise in further early intervention strategies, the Art/Science learning area and to assist with developing a range of enrichment programs.

School Programmes:
Emphasis is on improving literacy and numeracy results, with a 'whole-school' approach. Getting it Right literacy & numeracy specialists are appointed to support this. The 'Diana Rigg' program has been implemented across the school and additional Speech Therapy support is provided for students with identified needs.

* A strong commitment to using Technology as a learning tool is clearly evident within the school and improvements to the classroom infrastructure and the purchase of new equipment further supports the Getting it Right Technology strategy. Capel students from Year 1 - 7 have access to computers at a ratio of 2:1, Interactive Whiteboards in each room, document cameras, a computer laboratory situated in the library, digital cameras and video cameras for class work and movie making projects.
* A strong emphasis on health and fitness achieves low levels of student obesity and many sporting successes. Capel is an 'Asthma Friendly School'. A Physical Education specialist works across years P-7.
* Environmental education includes interaction with the community in bush land rehabilitation, river quality, 'Waste Wise School' activities and accreditation as a 'Water Wise School'. The school is currently developing in partnership with the School Board a 'sustainability' vision.
* A program promoting positive social skills and values is conducted across the school and supported by a community funded chaplain. High expectations are placed on student behaviour and the community strongly supports the positive learning environment and reward systems embedded in the school culture.
* A whole school 'Positive Behaviour Support' program is being implemented with teacher involvement on the committee to develop school rules, enhance reward systems and ensure 'replacement behaviours' are taught.
* The arts are emphasized through music and movement with opportunities to learn a variety of musical instruments and become a member of the school choir. A music specialist works across Years 1-7 and is supplemented by the talents of various staff in the Visual Arts domain.
* The adoption of a sister school in Bali has enriched the Indonesian LOTE program and given it a community focus. Many families from Capel have visited the sister school and established close links with communication ongoing between the students.
* Enrichment programs in Numeracy, Science and the Arts have been introduced during 2011 with a high level of success.
* Clubs - where students have access to a range of activities on a monthly rotation are held each week and involve the Year 5-7 classes. Many parent and community volunteers have supported this concept and introduced a range of programs that have engaged and motivated the students.

Enrolment at Capel Primary School is a life style choice for many and the school is highly valued within the community and District.