Bindoon Primary School (5046)

School Overview

Bindoon Primary School is an Independent Public School that places a high priority on excellence in teaching and learning, strong relationships and positive support for all children.

We are a proud community focused school which provides a high quality, well-rounded education where every child's learning needs are met through high quality, research based teaching approaches. Teachers are caring and are strongly committed to providing an inclusive environment where all children have the opportunity to thrive. Staff continually seek to improve their teaching skills and enhance the social and academic learning of each child in the classroom.

The school has a strong mindset of continuous improvement resulting in hard working students and dedicated teachers. All teachers deliver high quality, differentiated learning resultant from a high level of instructional skills and tactics and outstanding curriculum knowledge. This in combination enhances each child's success as a learner. We provide positive support programs to focus on children's mental health and well-being in order for our students to be mindful, empathetic and purposeful contributors to society. With access to high quality learning opportunities in Science, The Arts, Digital Technology and Physical Education we provide opportunities for students to excel in fun and challenging curriculum areas.

Parents and community play a central role in the school by helping out in classroom programs, and volunteering on the School Board, Parents and Citizens Association and at sporting events. With our strong links to local community business and organisations your child's learning opportunities and experiences are enhanced as our teachers take advantage of the local opportunities.

Relationships matter, we aim to build, foster and maintain positive relationships with our school community. We value positive relationships with parents where we will work with you to support your child's individual needs.

Established in 1954, Bindoon Primary School will cater for your child in a fast-growing rural community where learning is fun. With large open playing fields and classrooms set amongst a beautiful environment your child will have opportunities to thrive in a positive learning environment.