Bentley Primary School (5041)

School Overview

Students at Bentley Primary enjoy first class teaching in an inclusive, culturally diverse and caring environment. We proudly boast that 60% of our students are from all over the world as well as a significant number of Indigenous families.

Your child is given every opportunity to succeed through dedicated teachers, a robust curriculum, quality programs and extra-curricular activities. Our School has a strong focus on literacy, numeracy, technology, health and well-being and life skills.

Innovation and improving facilities for our students is integral to the value adding ethos of our School. Our Resource Centre encompassing computerised library and art and music rooms was recently updated with the most current wireless network, desktop computers and laptops. Bentley Primary is one of the few schools in Western Australia to have the advantage of trialling the new online NAPLAN testing.

Early childhood learning is important to the School with specialist Kindergarten and Pre-Primary programs and facilities.
The School offers leadership development and opportunities for gifted and talented students whether academic, sporting, technology or arts related.

To find out more about our students thriving in this distinctive unique environment go to