Bayswater Primary School (5031)
School Overview
Bayswater Primary School is located in the North Metropolitan Education Region some 7 kilometres from the central CBD. The location in the City of Bayswater is only two streets from the railway station.
The school, established in 1894, was known as Bayswater State School with Miss Mary Bell as the first teaching Principal. Since that time the school has developed considerably with attractive grounds and an oval. The school's crest is the 100-year-old locomotive bell with the motto, 'Ringing True'. This bell is still used to signal the start and finish of; recess, lunch breaks and the school day.
Bayswater Primary School is a Level 5 School with a Principal and two Deputy Principals. The school is structured around year level Learning Spaces. This includes Early Childhood spaces offering Kindergarten and Pre-primary programs, as well as dedicated Art and Music areas.
The school delivers a range of specialist programs including: Italian, Physical Education, Art and Music.
A feature of the school is the strong sense of community. The school is fortunate to have a supportive School Council as well as a very proactive P&C.
The collaborative nature and team structure of the staff helps to contribute to a focussed delivery of learning approaches.