Merredin College (4194)

School Overview

Located 256 kilometres east of Perth in the Central Wheatbelt, Merredin College is a lighthouse rural school providing a high quality educational program for 600 students from K-12. We are unique because our students can remain in the safety of the community in which they were born and at the same school for their entire education. Our staff and our families are true partners in the entire schooling process. We have been an Independent Public School since 2017.

Our vision states 'Merredin College is the benchmark in rural educational excellence. We aspire to develop a community of engaged, creative and independent lifelong learners who aim high, value diversity and contribute positively to the global community.' Our rigorous yet supportive teaching programs encourage students to become independent learners; beginning in Kindergarten and developed through to Year 12. Meeting the learning needs of all students is important to us. Programs to support literacy and numeracy are in place. We provide engagement programs for our Aboriginal students and our Education Support students have their needs met through tailored support. ICT is embedded to ensure students learn in a contemporary environment and leave school with the skills needed to function in the 21st Century.

We offer a diverse range of subjects for our K-6 students and pride ourselves on our high quality Music program and choir. We have an established STEM (Science - Technology - Engineering - Maths) focus with teachers implementing STEM Learning Projects from K-4 and our Year 5-6 students being involved in CoRE (Centre of Resources Excellence), an integrated approach to Science and Technology which is based on real life experiences. Our K-6 staff have expertise in Digital Technologies which was recognised in 2018 when we became a Teacher Development School, supporting other schools across the state in this area. At the heart of all we do in K-6, is a relentless focus on developing Literacy and Numeracy skills as well as developing 21st Century skills to ensure students are prepared for the future.

For Year 7-10 students, a challenging program is provided in the core areas. Health and Physical Education is highly valued, with many extra opportunities on offer such as our successful Volleyball Program which students can participate in with specialist classes and tournaments run throughout the year. This provides our students with the opportunity to compete with other students from around the state. Centre of Resource Excellence (CoRE) is an engaging STEAM based program designed for students to explore the local environment and technologies around them. Students participate in all elective contexts in Years 7, 8 and then specialise in Years 9 and 10. The electives on offer at the college include in the Arts Dance, Drama and Visual Art. Technologies comprises Home Economics (Cooking and Sewing), Information Technology (Computing and Robotics), Metalwork and Woodwork.

Streamed classes mean literacy and numeracy support is tailored to meet the needs of 'at risk' students along with the flexibility of extending our high achieving students. Homework Classes run twice weekly and provide further support for students.

In Year 11 and 12, students select from a range of School Curriculum and Standards Authority courses that lead to university (ATAR pathway), TAFE (VET pathway), or employment. Merredin College has strong links to Central Regional TAFE, other RTO's and to the local business community providing exceptional opportunities for certificate courses, traineeships and workplace learning. Our talented teachers take pride in ensuring our students achieve their best.

Four values guide the practices, expectations and behaviour of our students and staff. These include being caring, respectful, responsible and striving to succeed. The values underpin the three key areas of our Strategic Plan including Success for all students, High Quality Teaching and Leadership, and Positive Learning Environment and Culture. Explicit teaching of the school PBS values and targeted social and emotional programs form part of the daily curriculum from K-12.Excellence in behaviour and achievement is acknowledged via a variety of initiatives. As a staff we constantly strive for effective and consistently applied behaviour management and excellent attendance.

We believe in meeting the needs of the whole student and as a result pastoral care is a significant staff commitment. Our caring and expert Student Services teams support each student's social and emotional needs. Students are supported in accessing their physical needs through our daily Breakfast Club run by volunteer staff and the supply of school stationary and uniforms as required.

Since 2019, education infrastructure in Merredin received a significant boost from the High Priority Maintenance Program. $40 000 for the refurbishment of Student Services, $500 000 on toilet upgrades in the High School and $600 000 on upgrades to D&T woodwork. Merredin College also initiated upgrade works in Secondary Science, bringing the Chemistry classroom and prep area into the 21st Century. Community support also resulted in the completion of a brand new junior primary nature playground in July 2020. Our facilities and landscaped grounds are unparalleled in many rural communities and provide our students with stimulating areas in which to learn and play. Merredin College also boasts an impressive trade training centre (catering for automotive, metals and building & construction) and a state-of-the-art dance studio.

Moving forward into 2022 the school board is engaged in creating a whole school facilities upgrade plan incorporating water catchment and renewable energy.

Merredin College is proud to work in partnership with Merredin Residential College. As a result of an extensive construction program at Merredin Residential College, up to 72 students are accommodated in a world class boarding facility whilst receiving an excellent education close to their home town.

We take our job of providing a quality rural education seriously. To discover more about Merredin College, visit our website

At Merredin College Our Students Advance Together