Roebourne District High School (4189)
School Overview
Settled in 1866, Roebourne is WA's oldest surviving town north of Geraldton. In fact, it is the oldest settlement between Geraldton and Darwin and has an estimated population of 1,200 people. Roebourne is located near the Pilbara coast, approximately 1500 km north of Perth and 40 kilometres east of Karratha.
The school caters to students from Kindergarten to Year 12, with approximately 98% of the students being Aboriginal. Most of our students come from three main language groups - the Ngarluma people who are the traditional owners of the land, the Yindjibarndi people and the Banyjima people.
The school is supported by the community, Aboriginal Corporations and other agencies. This includes mining, government departments and NGO's. The Roebourne community has a strong arts base and this has influenced the educative community in developing strategic plans that are authentic, hands on and designed to engage with all students.
Aboriginal and Education Officers (AIEO's) have significant roles in the school. They are the essential links to the community and provide teachers with cultural expertise and knowledge. An understanding, appreciation and respect for Aboriginal culture is paramount to the success of all teaching programmes in the school
The school caters to students from Kindergarten to Year 12, with approximately 99% of its cohort being Aboriginal. The students speak a range of languages as well as Aboriginal English. Teachers are expected to adopt and to use EAL/D strategies for most of the students throughout the school.
Roebourne DHS is a small caring supportive educative community that encourages students and staff to achieve their potential through our shared ethos of 'learning together'.
In the high school we seek to engage young people in learning through implementing the Big Picture Education design which encourages all students to identify and pursue their interests and passions. We want to prepare our young people uncommonly well for life after school.