Cocos Islands District High School (4157)

School Overview

Cocos Island District High School (CIDHS) is nestled within the Cocos Keeling Islands, a vibrant public school that embraces multiculturalism and inclusivity.

Unique Location: CIDHS is undoubtedly one of the most unique educational environments in Australia. Situated on the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, it is the most westerly of Australia's territories, lying in the Indian Ocean approximately 2900 kilometres northwest of Perth and 2600 kilometres west of Darwin. Its nearest neighbour is Christmas Island, located 900 kilometres to the northeast.

Governance and Operation: CIDHS is a Commonwealth School operated by an agreement between the Commonwealth and State Governments. This agreement allows the Department of Education to deliver education programs to students at CIDHS in a manner similar to those delivered in comparable mainland Western Australian communities.

Campuses and Education: CIDHS comprises two campuses. The Home Island campus caters to Kindergarten to Year 6 students, while the West Island campus operates a Kindergarten to Year 6 primary school for West Island students and houses the secondary school, from Years 7-10. Secondary students travel the 8 kilometres across the lagoon by ferry each day. Students continue their senior education for Years 11-12 at mainland schools. Comprehensive career advice is provided to all students, complemented by work experience programs both on and off-island.

Student-Centric Approach: At the heart of our decision-making processes lies our children. Collaborating closely with families and the community, CIDHS fosters a nurturing environment where students feel a sense of belonging and connection, laying the groundwork for their educational journey. Dedicated, highly skilled, and passionate staff work collaboratively to build the capacity of every child. A culture of developing the whole child is present amongst staff, with a strong commitment to professional learning focused on evidence-based teaching practices. Children are engaged in learning programs that are challenging, interesting, and differentiated to improve outcomes for all, in line with our School Vision: 'High levels of learning for all students.'

Specialist Programs and Community Engagement: CIDHS takes pride in its array of specialist programs, encompassing The Arts, STEM, Physical Education, and LOTE Indonesian. An engaged School Council sets the strategic direction and monitors the school's progress. CIDHS has a strong sense of community, where everyone works together to achieve and build success across a range of domains. The caring staff, friendly students, and supportive community all collaborate to build a powerful learning environment, which is held in high regard across the local and wider community.

Tel: 9162 6651 (WI) or 9162 7592 (HI)