Nannup District High School (4089)

School Overview

Nannup District High School (DHS) is a friendly school set in the hills of the picturesque Blackwood Valley, 260km south of Perth, and caters for students who live in the town and surrounding farms and acreages.

With a smaller student population, we provide an inclusive environment for students to learn and grow where all students are known individually by staff. We are able to meet the needs of individual students, whilst ensuring all students are actively engaged in the learning process.

Our vision is to ensure Nannup DHS is an innovative learning community committed to excellence. The school provides quality teaching and learning programs to students from Kindergarten to Year 10. Our facilities cater for the breadth of students enrolled, with specific purpose buildings, including: an Early Childhood, Science Laboratory, Visual Arts room, Music room, Design and Technologies room, Computer laboratory, and a Library/Resource Centre, providing learning environments to support the delivery of specialised programs. To cater for the curriculum needs of each student, specialised teachers deliver the learning programs in these areas.

Students at Educational Risk (SAER) are catered to through a variety of programs and opportunities. We have a strong alliance with para-professionals, such as the school psychologist, counselling services and Primary Health, to assist us with the health and well-being of all our students.

There is a strong and supportive P&C, as well as a committed School Board, who works collaboratively with the school to ensure quality teaching and learning programs are being offered to the learners at Nannup DHS.

To find out more about Nannup District School phone (08) 9746 8800 or view our website