Boddington District High School (4061)

School Overview

At Boddington District High School we aim to develop confident and self-motivated lifelong learners who strive to succeed, are considerate of others, act responsibly and are successful members of society. We strive to create a culture in which every student experiences a sense of connectedness and belonging to the school community, of being known as an individual; and where staff care about every student's overall progress and wellbeing.

We want to develop supportive, engaging and respectful partnerships between staff, parents and carers; which model open communication, welcoming interactions and positive partnerships for the future. We hold high expectations of the children and young people in our care - as well as of ourselves and our colleagues. We reflect on our performance, seek feedback on how we can improve, and work together to support change.

Our facilities are modern and dynamic enabling students to access a high quality education. We work in close partnership with our community and have strong links to community organisations, local businesses and industry, including the two adjacent mines (Newmont Boddington Gold and South32 Worsley), and the Shire of Boddington.

Located 120 kilometres south-east of Perth, Boddington District High School offers courses from Kindergarten to Year 10. We attract students from the local community as well as students from Quindanning, Wandering, Bannister and Crossman. We provide a positive, welcoming and supportive school environment that has the benefits of a country, close knit community combined with close proximity to the metropolitan area. At Boddington DHS we believe that every student matters every day, and through working together and learning in an inclusive environment, all students can learn, grow and succeed.

We invite you to contact Boddington District High School to discover more about what our school can offer your child.

T: 9884 2900