Kent Street Senior High School (4029)

School Overview

At Kent Street Senior High School we aim to build highly skilled, knowledgeable, flexible young people who have a commitment to life-long learning and contributing to a vibrant, caring, harmonious community.

Kent Street teachers promote a culture of endeavour and achievement and take pride in being innovative, nurturing, creative and adventurous.

The school is characterised by educational programs that maximise the engagement of their students. Kent Street Senior High School is well known for its exemplary and long-standing Approved Specialist Programs in:

* Aviation,
* Cricket, and
* Fashion & Design

More recently, our Centre of Resources Excellence (CoRE) entry-on-application program has gained a quality reputation for encouraging our students to be young scientists and think outside the box.

At Kent Street Senior High School, students have the opportunity to engage in local, national and international field trips from a range of content areas that provide unique learning opportunities and life experiences.

Through these and other programs students build self-esteem, independent thinking, resilience, generosity and compassion for each other. The rich cultural mix has seen courses such as English as a Second Language, Japanese, Media, Drama, Design, Business, Construction, Politics and Food Technology grow in popularity, and our international program is growing.

This culture is reflected in the success of Kent Street Senior High School students since we opened our doors in 1940. Celebrating our 80th anniversary in 2020, we boast of new facilities in science, engineering, design and technology, undertaking major enhancements to ICT in learning and refining our literacy and personal development programs. These refinements expand the academic and vocational pathways and provide special opportunities to cater for a broad spectrum of areas of interest.

Kent Street Senior High School is conveniently located four kilometres south-east of the city. The school's excellent facilities include a swimming pool, a large gymnasium, a performing arts theatre, a dedicated Aviation Centre, two aeroplanes, turf wickets, a trade training centre, eight refurbished science laboratories, a fitness centre and excellent library/learning centre facilities.

Our parents are our most important partners in education. Kent Street Senior High School is also strongly supported by our industry and community partners, including Virgin Australia Airlines, the WACA Ground, Essense of Australia, Rotary Residential College, and BGC.

T: 9262 0500