The Hampton Senior High School Vision is to develop culturally responsive, high impact educators who foster student aspiration, innovation and achievement.
Hampton is continuing on our improvement focus with our strong culture of collaboration and consistently high expectation of standards for staff and students. Continuing the journey of school excellence using the Dempster's School Improvement Framework in 2023, Hampton steps forward from the Fogarty EDvance Program and embraces the Department's Quality Teaching Strategy. This strategy supports the development of teaching excellence through evidence-based practice in quality teaching and improvements in teaching practice.
Our collaborative, evidence-based leadership and pedagogical model - The Hampton Blueprint, was developed via many feedback and data sources from staff, students and families, including the School Culture Survey, National School Opinion Surveys, whole school professional learning days, feedback from the Board, P&C and various school-based forums. Our Learning Area and Program Reports are centred on the Teach for Impact model, providing us with a shared position and understanding about what effective schools Believe, Know and Do. This, in turn, leads our quality teaching and learning plans for 2024, using data to determine what we plan, teach and assess to maximise outcomes for our diverse student population.
The implementation of the highly effective Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) program to our school improvement planning has resulted in a significant change in positive school culture and behaviour. Our whole school developed values of CORRE - Caring, Organised, Resilient, Respectful, Engaged - have provided staff and students with a common language, and behaviours that are explicitly taught. The goal of '5 positives to 1 negative' in teacher response saw us reach 3.85 positives:1 negative, a terrific result for our first year of PBS. We are very proud that this tremendous change has enabled our classrooms to showcase teaching and learning as our number one focus.
We have a range of sustainable community partnerships over many years including local primary schools, the Morley Schools Network, Vocational Education and Training (VET) Registered Training Organisations (RTO), ADWPL, TAFE and university partnerships. The Morley Salvation Army operates our Breakfast Club on Thursday mornings. The Bush Rangers W.A. program promotes environmental understanding, conservation actions along with team and leadership development for the cadets.
Hampton's 4 focus areas are:
1. Effective Classroom Practice o Consistent practices for curriculum, programs, assessment and reporting o Learning interventions, o Positive Behaviour Support, o High Impact Teaching Strategies
2. Supporting Professional Practice o Performance development, o Graduate development, o Leader development, o Professional learning
3. Strategic Leadership o Resource management o Whole school planning o Operational management
4. Community Engagement o Partnerships with families o Community connection o Informed community perception o Student voice
Achievements 2023 exceptional WACE eligible achievement 93% Median ATAR - 71.58 - the highest it has been for many years.
2023 ATAR performance 99+ - 1 student 90 - 98.95% - 5 students 80 - 89.95% - 2 students
2023 School Curriculum and Standards Authority Awards o Subject Exhibitions - 1 o Subjects Certificates of Excellence - 1 o Certificates of Distinction - 2 o Certificates of Merit - 9 o 2023 Level of highest qualification achieved (of VET enrolled students) o Certificate IV - 1 o Certificate III - 79 o Certificate II - 19
THE ARTS School To Stage o Year 7/8 Jazz 2nd place o Year 12 Own Solo Choreography 1st Place o Year 11 Own Solo Choreography 1st Place o Year 7/8 Tap Troupe 1st Place o Year 9/10 Pom 2nd Place o Year 9- 11 Hip Hop 3rd Place o Year 9/10 Jazz Troupe Choreography by 3rd Place o Year 8 Small group Choreography 3rd Place o Yoh Fest Drama o Maiden Hell - Certificate of Merit for Strong Delivery of a Comic Character. o The Curse of My Gift - Certificate of Merit for Excellent Creation of Mood.
Year 9/10 Gifted and Talented (GAT) dancers performed at Optus Stadium for Department of Education's International Women's Day.
Establishment of Hampton Broadcasting Club: 12 students covering events in the school community. AASCF State Cheer Championships: Sovereigns- 2nd place, Dynasty - 2nd place. SM Spring Showcase and Dance Concert routines all excelled (Sovereigns, Reign and Dynasty). All Things Cheer Showdown: 1st for Sovereigns and Dynasty. Young Originals Exhibition: Year 10 and 11, selected for inclusion in exhibition at Spectrum Project Space ECU Mount Lawley. 78% of students enrolled in Media Production and Analysis ATAR achieved their highest ATAR mark in this subject.
ENGLISH 75% English Language Competency (50+) of ATAR students, up from 52% in 2022. NAPLAN Spelling Year 7 and Year 9 above National Mean; each NAPLAN measure significantly Above Like Schools .
HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION Athletics Australia National Schools Challenge o Intermediate Boys team 1 (u17) finished 9th o Intermediate Boys team 2 (u17) finished 10th o Junior Boys team (u15) finished 8th Athletics West, WA Schools Cup o Senior Boys team (u19), 1st place Intermediate Boys team 1 (u17), 1st place o Intermediate Boys team 2 (u17), 3rd place o Junior Boys team 1 (u15), 1st place o Junior Boys team 2 (u15), 4th place o Junior Girls team (u15), 5th place School Sports WA o North East Boys Volleyball A Division, 1st Place o North East Girls Volleyball A Division, 1st Place WA Athletics Schools Cup o Senior Boys team, 1st place o Intermediate Boys team 1, 1st place o Intermediate Boys team 1, 3rd place o Junior Boys team 1, 3rd place
SCIENCE Ministers Innovation Challenge: Year 8 ASP students created highly innovative solution to sun glare while driving - and a very polished presentation produced in collaboration with the Arts Learning Area. Four students were selected for a course during the September holidays practising high level biomedical techniques in a world class laboratory at the Harry Perkins Institute. Successful student applicant participated in the National Youth Science Forum, in Sydney. This program is designed to give students a broader understanding of the diverse study and career options available in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
TECHNOLOGIES Subs in Schools National Finals: Year 11, 2nd place overall (Large ROV Professional Class), Year 11, Category winners: Sea Trial, Best Manufactured ROV, Best Engineered, Verbal Presentation and Innovation Subs in Schools State Finals: Year 10, Second Place Overall (Large ROV Professional Class) F1 in Schools State Finals: Year 12, Second Place Overall (Professional Class)
VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING 117 Year 12 students achieved qualifications, 97 students Certificate III or higher, 26 students Cert II and 4 students School-Based Traineeships over 18 various industry areas. Year 10 students in 2023: 35 students gained places in the highly competitive profile Cert II and III courses over 14 different industry areas which enables them to study one or two days at TAFE in 2024 in Year II whilst still at school completing WACE.