Kalamunda Primary School (5228)

Local Intake Area

The local intake area for this school is displayed on the map below:

Shaded areas indicate optional local-intake areas - please refer to the map description for further details.

LIA Map - Please read this map in conjunction with any other map/s displayed to determine a Local Intake Area (LIA).
Local Intake map :
LIA map

All questions regarding the School Local Intake Area are to be directed to the school - see Contact Details

The following defines the local-intake area of this school:

KALAMUNDA PRIMARY SCHOOL (Government Gazette Dec 2006)

The following defines the local intake area of this school -
From the intersection of Kalamunda Road and the north-south alignment of Nangana Way, south along Kalamunda Road to Davies Crescent, north east along Davies Crescent to Parke Road, east along Parke Road and across Railway Road to Williams Street, south east along Williams Street to Shelley Road, north east along Shelley Road and continuing north east to the locality boundary between Gooseberry Hill and Kalamunda, east, south, and east along this boundary to the Schipp Road WalkTrail, from this point in an easterly direction through Kalamunda National Park to Fern Road and the locality boundary of Paulls Valley and Piesse Brook, generally north along this locality boundary to the Helena River, generally east along the Helena River to Mundaring Weir Road, south west along Mundaring Weir Road to the Water Catchment Area Boundary (which is also the boundary of the locality of Reservoir), generally south west along this boundary until it intersects with the locality boundary between Bickley and Hacketts Gully, north west along the locality boundary between Bickley and Hacketts Gully to the three-way intersection of the locality boundaries of Bickley, Hacketts Gully and Piesse Brook, west along the locality boundary to Aldersyde Road, north along Aldersyde Road to Mundaring Weir Road, north west along Mundaring Weir Road to the locality boundary between Bickley and Kalamunda, west, south, west along this boundary and continuing west along Stanhope Road to Canning Road, south across Canning Road to the north east extension of Sampson Close, south east along the extension and Sampson Close to Sampson Road, west, south west along Sampson Road to Crayden Road, northwest along Crayden Road to Lyndhurst Road, west along Lyndhurst Road to Orange Valley Road, north along Orange Valley Road to Winsor Road, west along Winsor Road to Robins Road, south along Robins Road to Grace Road, west along Grace Road to Betti Road, west and southwest along Betti Road to its junction with Orange Valley Road, west along Orange Valley Road to its extremity due south from this point to Whistlepipe Gully, west along Whistlepipe Gully to the gate at the north eastern end of Lewis Road, north to Holmes Road, north along Holmes Road to Maud Road, east from this point to Simeon Close, east along Simeon Close to West Terrace, south and southeast along West Terrace to the walk trail, east along the walk trail to a point just east of the eastern end of Brie Brie Crescent, north from this point to Nangana Way and north along the north-south alignment of Nangana Way to Kalamunda Road.

The boundary parts of Kalamunda Road (south side), Davies Road (both sides), Parke Road (both sides), Williams Street (both sides), Shelley Road (both sides), Fern Road (both sides), Mundaring Weir Road (eastern section, both sides), Aldersyde Road (both sides), Mundaring Weir Road (western section, both sides) and Winsor Road are included within the local-intake area of this school. The boundary parts of Stanhope Road (both sides), Sampson Close (both sides), Sampson Road (both sides), Crayden Road (both sides), Lyndhurst Road (both sides), Orange Valley Road (eastern section, both sides), Robins Road (both sides), Grace Road (both sides), Betti Road (both sides), Orange Valley Road (western section, both sides), Holmes Road (both sides), Simeon Close (both sides), West Terrace (both sides) and Nangana Way (both sides) are excluded from the local-intake area of this school.

The following defines an optional area between the Falls Road Primary School and the Kalamunda Primary School: from the junction of Crayden Road and Sampson Road, northwest along Crayden Road to Lyndhurst Road, west along Lyndhurst Road to Orange Valley Road, north along Orange Valley Road to Winsor Road, west along Winsor Road to Robins Road, south along Robins Road to Grace Road, west along Grace Road to Betti Road, west and southwest along Betti Road to its junction with Orange Valley Road, west along Orange Valley Road to its extremity due south from this point to Whistlepipe Gully, in a general easterly direction along Whistlepipe Gully to the eastern section of Orange Valley Road, southwest along Orange Valley Road to Karralika Avenue, south along Karralika Avenue to Nankita Way, east along Nangkita Way and its extension to and along Nangkita Road to Sampson Road, and north along Sampson Road to Crayden Road.

The northern and western boundary parts of Orange Valley Road, the boundary parts of Robins Road, Grace Road and Betti Road, and the boundary streets of Crayden Road, Lyndhurst Road, Nangkita Way and Nangkita Road (both sides in each case) are included within the optional area, while the southern boundary part of Orange Valley Road and the boundary parts of Karralika Avenue and Sampson Road, and the boundary street of Winsor Road (both sides in each case) are excluded from the optional area.

The following defines an optional area between Kalamunda Primary School and Maida Vale Primary School-
From the junction of Kalamunda Road with West Terrace, south along West Terrace to Norwood Road, west along Norwood Road to Holmes Road, south along Holmes Road to Maud Road, east from this point to Simeon Close, east along Simeon Close to West Terrace, south and southeast along West Terrace to the walk trail, east along the walk trail to a point just east of Brie Brie Crescent, north from this point to Nangana Way, north along the north-south alignment of Nangana Way to Kalamunda Road and northwest along Kalamunda Road to West Terrace. The boundary parts West Terrace (southern section, both sides), Nangana Way (both sides) and Kalamunda Road (south side) and the boundary street of Simeon Close (both sides) are included within the optional area, while the boundary parts of West Terrace (northern section, both sides), Norwood Road (both sides) and Holmes Road (both sides) are excluded from the optional area.

The local-intake area maps are based on a written description of the local-intake area (LIA) for the school as published in the WA Government Gazette.  Although the map closely represents the LIA description, for some houses near the boundary (especially on street corners), it may be necessary to refer to the written description.  The street address of a residence is used to determine whether that dwelling is inside a particular LIA.  While local-intake areas for most schools do not change from year to year, changes may be made to local-intake areas as required.  Such changes are published in the WA Government Gazette and subsequently the local-intake area map will be updated.