Adam Road Primary School (5001)

Local Intake Area

Local Intake map :
LIA map

All questions regarding the School Local Intake Area are to be directed to the school - see Contact Details

Adam Road Primary School (5001) (March 2022)

The following defines the local intake area of this school:

From the intersection of Robertson Drive and Bussell Highway, northwest and north along Bussell Highway (west side included) to the intersection of Bussell Highway, Blair Street and Nuytsia Avenue, west from this intersection to Spencer Street, north-northwest along Spencer Street (west side included) to Goldsmith Street, west along Goldsmith Street (south side included) to Minninup Road, north along Minninup Road (west side included) to West Road, west along West Road (south side included) to Mangles Playground Reserve, through the park reserve and the reserve located between 22 Ramillies Street (excluded) and 24 Ramillies Street (included), southwest along Ramillies Street (east side included) to the southern property boundary of 207B Ocean Drive (excluded), west along the property boundary to Ocean Drive and to the coastline, south along the coastline to the western extension of Ocean Drive and Hudson Road, east along this extension through Maidens Reserve to the intersection of Ocean Drive and Hudson Road, continue east along Hudson Road (north side included) to Parade Road.

The local-intake area maps are based on a written description of the local-intake area (LIA) for the school as published in the WA Government Gazette.  Although the map closely represents the LIA description, for some houses near the boundary (especially on street corners), it may be necessary to refer to the written description.  The street address of a residence is used to determine whether that dwelling is inside a particular LIA.  While local-intake areas for most schools do not change from year to year, changes may be made to local-intake areas as required.  Such changes are published in the WA Government Gazette and subsequently the local-intake area map will be updated.