Broome Primary School (5712)

School Overview

Broome Primary School was established in 1901 and is the oldest school in the district. The school boasts a proud history and values the buildings, surroundings and the achievements of its past and present students. Broome PS is established on Yawuru land and embraces the rich Aboriginal culture, along with the historical and diverse multicultural aspects of the Broome community.

The school was devastated by a fire in January 2020, which destroyed a significant portion of the school. Planning is in place for a new administration building and a new classroom block, with state of the art facilities. The rebuild will take place during 2021, and the new facilities are expected to be ready for use early in 2022. Earlier in the year, the school was blessed by the Yawuru People, who during a special ceremony used the phrase 'Jirrilngany ngarrungunil, yagarrmijala', meaning 'Strong People, we will rise up'. This expression has been adopted by the school community and has inspired students, staff and parents to ensure the school continues to thrive into the future.

Broome Primary School provides a range of educational opportunities and experiences for approximately 420 students from Kindergarten to Year 6. The school has adopted the Department of Education's mantra, 'Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day,' to focus upon high quality education, striving for continuous improvement through the review of student performance information and reflection on evidence based best teaching practice. It is our belief that it is the quality of the teaching and learning programs that will have the greatest impact upon student performance, to ensure students achieve year on year growth.The school's learning programs are based upon the Western Australian Curriculum and the students' performances are measured against the 'Achievement Standards.' This information is used to plan, assess and report student progress to parents. Specialist programs are provided in the learning areas of The Arts (Music), Physical Education, Science (STEM) and Languages (Yawuru).

The school actively promotes a culture that strives to maintain positive and respectful relationships with students, parents and the wider community. Programs delivered by staff are also aimed to promote student self-esteem, well-being and the teaching of sound core values. The four expectations of Care, Respect, Pride and Success form the cornerstone of the school's values and are evident in the teaching and learning programs throughout the school.

Broome Primary School belongs to the Broome Cluster of Independent Public Schools, including Broome North PS, Cable Beach PS, Roebuck PS and Broome Senior High School. This network of schools is closely aligned to the Kimberley School Project which has a focus on improving student outcomes. The aim of this Project is to customise, intensify and support existing strategies to accelerate children's learning.

This is a proud school and it is our wish that all members of the school community feel a sense of belonging, pride and deep respect for our school and community.