Wilson Park Primary School (5477)

School Overview

Wilson Park Primary School has a rich tradition and history of serving the Collie community for over 60 years and our students have a strong sense of belonging and pride in their school. We are all affectionately known as 'Parkies' and we respect, support and care for each other. As part of our commitment to student success we provide a strong focus on targeted learning programs and supportive pastoral care.
Our highly experienced staff have high expectations of students and engage them in interesting education activities. We recognise that success builds self-esteem and confidence therefore, our learning programs are designed to build on children's prior knowledge and to support them in learning new skills.
We have a comprehensive focus on literacy and numeracy, with highly structured, research-based literacy and numeracy blocks designed to provide students with the maximum support. The integration of technology allows the students to control elements of their own learning and widens their access to information. Many of the software programs are available for students to work on at home. The school also has specialist visual arts and music classes.
To enable our students to reach their full potential, we have implemented a school-wide positive behaviour support approach where behavioural expectations are actively taught. This approach has built a culture of looking for the positive behaviours, acknowledging them and rewarding our students for doing what is expected. It has instilled in our students, values that will assist them to be strong both socially and emotionally, and to develop and grow into responsible adults.
We encourage parents and carers to be actively involved in their children's education from an early age and to be part of our school community. Wilson Park Primary School hosts a Child and Parent Centre that caters for families with children 0 to 8 years of age. The centre supports families to prepare their children for school so they have the best possible opportunities for success.
We are committed to our students, their education, social development and personal wellbeing.
Discover more about Wilson Park Primary School by calling (08) 9735 9300 or email WilsonPark.PS@education.wa.edu.au