Subiaco Primary School (5424)

School Overview

Our school delivers a unique and stimulating educational environment, where your child is valued, nurtured and encouraged to reach their full potential.

We have a strong sense of community, a commitment to our motto Our Best and an undertaking to provide an education that addresses the academic, social, physical and emotional development of each and every child.

Our staff work together with parents and the community to reach common goals for our students. These include developing responsible and resilient learners, promoting leadership across all levels of staff and students, focusing on continuous improvement and celebrating our diversity.

As an Independent Public School we are shaping the future of our children with a clear vision and purpose focusing on excellence in teaching and learning.

We have strong links with our parent community through our Parents & Citizens and School Board, both of which play active and important roles in our school.

We look forward to educating your children and seeing them grow, discover and prepare themselves for the future.

For more information, please contact us at
T: 9207 7900