Ongerup Primary School (5362)

School Overview

Ongerup Primary School is situated in the town of Ongerup, approximately 150 kilometres north of Albany. The town and district is active on many levels and supports small businesses and a range of community and general-interest clubs. Farming, predominately sheep and grain, is the main industry of the Ongerup area.

The school is very community focused with a culture of strong parental and local community involvement that is embedded throughout the school's program. Positive Behaviour Support is embedded in our school culture and values. A unique part of our culture is also our commitment to our end of year musical performances, where all students from K-6 participate in our whole school musical. The school takes advantage of the educational resources offered through Yongergnow, the Australian Malleefowl Centre which opened in 2007 after many years of community support and devotion to this cause.

Ongerup Primary School currently has 24 students enrolled - from Kindy to Year 6. Two classrooms operate, the Joeys Kindergarten - Year 2 and the Boomers Years 3-6. There is one school bus that transports five students to school from outlying farms. The remainder of the students live in the town.

The staff has a commitment to very high professional standards and ongoing professional learning. Pastoral care and the building and maintenance of positive working relationships is an ongoing school priority within the school and local community. Collaborative approaches to teaching, learning and assessment ensure a wholesome approach to creating an inclusive curriculum. Highly competent teachers from within the community provide teacher relief and are greatly valued for their work. We are supported by capable and highly motivated non-teaching staff.

Ongerup Primary School is located within a backdrop of native vegetation and tall trees. The gardens are a welcoming feature of the school and incorporate a gazebo, pond area and outdoor learning area. Incorporating local species, water-wise strategies, traditional aboriginal elements and a seasonal school vegetable garden. The development of our STEAM room is one of our current initiatives. The well-maintained large school oval is surrounded by trees, planted to improve bio-diversity and provide protection from the wind.

Modern playground facilities are enjoyed by the students, provided with the support of an active and committed P & C who along with the School Council support the School Staff to provide a community and student centred learning environment. Ongerup Primary School's buildings consist of a main block with two main classrooms; a STEAM room, resource room, Languages room, library, utility room, teachers work room, staff room, Principal's office, Registrar's office and reception area. A new separate building holds our library.

Student learning is literacy and numeracy focused during the mornings, with our four main teaching areas having access to a BenQ touch screen. Classrooms are also supplemented with 12 laptops and 15 iPads available for student research and online learning. Learning through Information Technology is enjoyed by students. A daily Physical Education program is implemented with all students receiving at least two hours of physical activity each week. Healthy eating habits at school are promoted by the 'Crunch'n'Sip' policy and regular practical nutrition experiences such as cooking healthy snacks and lunches to share. We will continue seeking maximum opportunities for students to participate in visiting Arts programs. Ongerup has a well-funded school Physical Education Program with ongoing grants through Sporting Schools Australia and has teamed up with Borden and Pingrup Primary Schools to form the Warperup sporting partnership. Japanese is taught through SIDE.

Parents are always welcome at the school and are invited to act as helpers to provide additional learning support and to work in partnership with teachers and educational assistants. Committed support from the P & C, School Council and committees such as the Grounds Committee is a feature of the school. Regular well attended meetings are held and initiatives promptly acted upon.

The Albany and Fitzgerald School Networks provide many opportunities for Curriculum and Professional Learning support. Through the Student Services an Educational Psychologist visits students with needs. Regular visits from other health and allied professionals include; the School Psychologist, School Chaplain, School Dental Service, Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapist and School Nurse.