Byford Primary School (5078)

School Overview

Byford Primary School, an independent public school, has a long, proud history. Built in 1921, it has grown to accommodate approximately 350 students and incorporate the Park Road Community Kindergarten.
At Byford Primary School, your child will be provided with a safe and enriching learning environment that will inspire them to learn to the best of their ability. We take a team approach to teaching with respect and cooperation between teachers, parents and students at the centre of everything we do.
Our purpose is to further develop the academic, cognitive and social skills of our students, so that they reach their potential, enjoy a full range of academic, social and cultural activities and participate as responsible members of both society and their school.
As a school we have a strong curriculum focus on numeracy, literacy and science. Your child will have access to a range of programs such as Mathletics and iMaths to foster enquiry and immerse them in relevant, real-life maths investigations. In literacy, we use Soundwaves to support our teaching of spelling and Reading Eggs program to building reading and writing skills.
Within the school open communication is strongly supported. Parents are encouraged to communicate openly with teachers. A newsletter including community items is published three times a term. Assemblies, which parents are encouraged to attend, are held on alternate Wednesdays at 8.50am. Our parents and citizen's association (P&C) run a facebook page to share information.
Parent involvement is strongly encouraged throughout the school and includes coaching sporting teams, organising resources, assisting children with writing and mathematics, supervising group activities, attending excursions, organising and helping at busy bees and supporting the canteen. Teachers are encouraged to seek parent involvement within their classrooms.
Each class teacher is encouraged to organise regular excursions to support learning programs. Year six students are given the opportunity to attend a camp.
Byford Primary School has an active P&C and invites new parents to become involved. The P&C are heavily involved in the positive promotion of the school within the community. Additional equipment is purchased with funds raised by the P&C, and it also provides financial support for school activities and additional resources.
We welcome you to learn more about our amazing school.
Phone: 08 9526 6300
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