Sevenoaks Senior College (4165)

School Overview

Sevenoaks is a unique senior college which offers specialised pathways to Year 11 and 12 students. We were established in 2000 and continue to build on our foundation ethos to provide pathways for students as they explore their future in our young adult learning environment. We are one of two such colleges in the metropolitan area.

Our Young Adult Ethos gives students responsibility for their learning and individual pathway planning whilst it prepares them to participate positively in their communities. To achieve this, all students are supported by an advocate who supports them to plan for their future as they progress through year 11 and 12. They are supported by a whole College ethos that is culturally responsive, respectful, and which values diversity.

Our vision for our students is: Find Your Future. To achieve this, we have established excellent partnerships with industry, training providers, employers, universities and the Big Picture Academy. Our Work Integrated Learning model empowers our students to make the most of every opportunity in any learning environment to ensure that they gain the skills and knowledge for the 21st century.

We are supported by industry partners including our highly successful TEC Consortium which provides pathways for students engaged in engineering; Mercy Care who provide tuition support for selected students; and our Aboriginal partners including The Polly Famer Foundation, Follow the Dream; the Waalitj Foundation, Deadly Sista Girlz; Clontarf and, BG&E Resources.

We are a culturally and socially inclusive school. Over the past two years our enrolments have averaged to 450 students with enrolments from our local area and from other areas across Perth including up to 25 schools, public and private. We also enrol international students.

Our student cohort is represented by over 50 nationalities, where many come from families where the first language at home is not English. These students are supported by specialist language teachers. On average 10% of our enrolments are Aboriginal students who are supported through a range of programs including Follow the Dream, Clontarf and Deadly Sistas, and have individualised teacher assistance to support them in achieving success in the classroom.

Our staff participate as members of a learning organisation with a future focussed lens to ensure that we are delivering an engaging curriculum in a supportive and inclusive learning environment. Teachers are specialists in what they teach whether it be SCSA courses, VET pathways or University linked programs. Our range of allied professionals support the work of the teaching staff.

Our leadership team comprise the Principal, Vice Principal, five level three Program Coordinators and a Manager of Corporate Services. The College is overseen by our College Board which supports us in setting the strategic direction ensuring our vision is realised.